independent music magazine

Dead Poet Society im Interview: »Let the art dictate the art.«

Dead Poet Society, Untoldency, Untoldency Magazine, Indie, Musik, Blog, Blogger, Online Indie Musik Magazin, deadpoetsociety, -!-, spine records, intoodeep

Immer wenn wir neue Bands finden, wollen wir die mit euch teilen. Deshalb haben wir auch heute wieder eine Band im Vorstellungsinterview, die vielleicht sonst nicht auf eurem Radar gelandet wäre. Zugegeben, musikalisch ist es ein bisschen rougher, geht mehr Richtung Rock als Indie. Aber dafür mit ziemlich guten Riffs, und wer liebt die nicht. Energiegeladen, ehrlich und voller Genre-brechenden Hooks. Das sind Dead Poet Society. Auch wenn die Jungs schon ein bisschen länger Musik machen (8 Jahre um genau zu sein), haben sie erst kürzlich ihr Debütalbum -!- veröffentlicht. Da hat sich wirklich ziemlich viel Gutes angestaut. Fans von The Pale White, cleopatrick oder Nothing But Thieves könnten hier sehr zu ihren Gunsten kommen. Wir haben Sänger Jack in einem schnellen Fragen-Quiz für euch.

Dead Poet Society im Interview

Anna:  Hey, thanks for taking the time! How are you?

Jack: I’m good, have had quite an interesting month but doing good.

Anna: Since some people may not know you yet, do you want to introduce yourselves?

Jack: We are a four piece band called Dead Poet Society. We formed in Boston, MA when we were in college. The band boys are Will Goodroad (Gonzo), Jack Collins (American Chopper), Dylan Brenner (Bork), and me Jack Underkofler (The Pearl). We’re from all over the US.

Anna: -!- is going to be your debut album, released on March, 12th. Before we talk about that, you’ve been making music for so much longer, going all the way back to 2013. What can you tell us about your journey from then to now?

Jack: It’s been a long one. We’ve toured Mexico nine times, we’ve done two full US tours, we’ve released two EP’s and a bunch of singles, we’ve all been single, in relationships, did shrooms, I’ve done every app job in existence, and I lost about 50lbs.

Anna: Was there a specific moment or a set of songs that made you go “we’re gonna make an album”?

Jack: We just kind of decided two and a half years ago that maybe it was time to start working on one. We had four songs at the time and thought, well let’s just keep going and see how far we can go.

Anna: Finally releasing a debut album after so many years as a band is big. How do you feel? Nervous, excited, relieved?

Jack: Well now I feel excited and still nervous. It’s being received really well so that’s helped. Plus it’s gotten on a ton of playlists so things are looking preeeettttty good.

Anna: The single that got me really hooked was .intoodeep. It is also the first single that kicked off this new era after you signed to Spinefarm Records. What makes this single so special to you?

Jack: It was a song written about a trip I took back to my hometown. I was hanging out with a really close friend of mine at a house he had just bought and we were sitting around a firepit in his backyard just thinking, wtf am I doing with my life? All of my friends seemed to be settling in to their lives, buying houses, growing careers, getting married, and here I was in the same situation and mindset that I had when I was 18 years old. However, I know that the lifestyle I live and where I am is addictive to me and I love it, even though it’s a struggle at the best of times.


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Anna: What are the main messages you want to convey on this record?

Jack: Let the art dictate the art.

Anna: Do you got a song that you look most forward to playing live?

Jack: CoDA. It’s got so much feeling for me behind it and gets me hyped every time.

Anna: The last question is about an untold story that you haven’t shared in interviews yet. Do you got an interesting or funny anecdote you can tell us?

Jack: Oh god lol. Not sure if I have any left that I can say publicly. Let’s just say New Orleans is a wild place.


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Fotocredit: Robin Media

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